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Dedicated to Learning & Capacity Building

My name is Elizabeth Adeyemo (Wahab), and I am committed to advancing education and heritage practice and capacity in Africa. I am currently completing my Doctoral studies at the amazing University of Notre Dame , USA. I have also obtained Masters degree in Anthropology and Conservation Studies from University of Notre Dame, and University College London (UCL) Qatar respectively. My B.A is in Archaeology from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. I have a decade worth experience in different capacities within the heritage and education industries across multiple continents.


As a graduate student, I try to balance the demands of research and teaching commitments with other projects of interest including volunteering, heritage and academic advocacy, public speaking, mentorship, photography, and content editing. I volunteer with OneAfricanChild Foundation, a non-governmental organization dedicated to supporting children in underserved communities across Africa. I have, and continue to support young Africans who aspire to pursue graduate studies wit their applications, and more recently, I support peers in their strive to excel at graduate school. I am passionate about teaching and learning. I also love to travel, and experience the world in all of it's diversity.

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